Ezp2013 programmer software

Dating > Ezp2013 programmer software

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This amount is subject to change until you make payment. The speed of reading and writing is very fast. Оформление заказа Чтобы оформить заказ отправте заказ менеджеру магазина через или напишите письмо на наш почтовый ящик admin sector. Фоточки со всех сторон: Чип STM32 stm32f103 знатоки, поправьте Вот так всё выглядит в боевом виде: Прошиваем флешку отдельно. The speed of reading and writing is very fast.

Auto detect chip model. Auto select power voltage. Auto off-line chip copy. Read and Write the bios chips of DVD,TV,PC,harddisk,etc. Software and firmware update. Working with Windows 2000, Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7 32bit. Surpport 25 FLASH, 24 EEPROM, 25 EEPROM, 93 EEPROM,etc. The speed of reading and writing is very fast. Application Appliance repair: suitable for appliance repair industry brush to write TV, DVD, computer motherboards, memory chips on the hard disk. Factory production: automatic offline copy function is particularly suitable for batch plants burning memory chips. Package 1pc Programmer device 1pc 1.

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